
Search results

  1. Beneficial Insects 101: Getting to Know Ohio's Butterflies, Bees and Other Good Garden Bugs

    identification of some of Ohio's butterflies, moths, bees and other good garden bugs, including how they ... Join us as we spend the day learning about the beneficial insects in our gardens and landscapes. ... live, their habitat needs, and garden plants and maintenance practices to help them flourish. $32 fee ...

  2. Farms Need An Emergency Plan

    aftermath.  I wasn’t surprised by the agriculture community’s willingness to help, but at the speed by which ... a parlor fire, or it can be something less extreme as a simple power outage.  Emergencies aren’t foreseen ... John Yost is an extension educator IV, Agriculture and Natural Resources, at OSU Extension-Wayne ...

  3. Local Workshop Helps Older Adults Reduce Their Fear Of Falling

    of her car and felt less fearful about her mobility issues.             Helping participants reduce ...

  4. Ohio Doing Battle With the Armyworm- Here's What We Know

    areas with moderate to high moth populations and activity, both locally and statewide. In a recent ... armyworm moths) in the traps than typical for the last couple of years.  These moths will lay eggs which ... penetrate egg masses well; it’s best to spray caterpillars when they are less than ¾ inches long, at which ...

  5. Carly Tolle

    diverse habitats, especially in settings where anthropogenic activities have a high impact- like urban ... areas or agriculture. I've held a number of technician and internship positions, mainly in field ...

  6. Robin Taylor

    needs in broad acre agriculture. Several projects have resulted in patent applications. I have two ... Scientist, Department of Entomology, Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, The Ohio State ... agriculture). 2012- 2017 Senior Research Scientist, Blackland Research and Extension Center, Texas A&M ...

  7. A Cultural Experience In Arizona Brings Attention To Values, Belonging

    gardens. The food was wonderful, but as you might guess, very different from our Midwest fare.  The ... If possible, they will learn through those hands-on experiences such as working in the garden with us ...

  8. Josh Amrhein

    Agricultural Technical Institute, Ohio State- Any- Journal article Book/book chapter Report Working paper ...

  9. Santosh Bhandari

    Hawaii Manoa BS Agriculture, Agriculture and Forestry University, Nepal- Any- Journal article Book/book ...

  10. Gillyade Correia Menino

    (Columbus) MS Tropical and Subtropical Agriculture, Instituto Agronomico, Brazil BS Agronomy, University Sao ...
