
Search results

  1. Develop Written Farmland Lease Agreements

    ask any agricultural law attorney they will tell you that lease agreements should be put in writing.  ...

  2. Stories from Students

    support sustainable agriculture, by eliminating a reliance on chemicals for the control of weeds. One of ... Sciences. Additionally, I have been working on a project for the Ohio Department of Agriculture to identify ...

  3. Private Pesticide Applicator Recertification 2015

    the Ohio Department of Agriculture (ODA) is an additional $30.  For more information contact the Wayne ...

  4. Impact Stories

    they can be protected from urban development, logging, or fire. Impact Understanding Sudden Oak Death ...

  5. Kudos and Awards (click for more)

    American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).  The Ohio Agricultural Research and Development ...

  6. Boehm publications

    M.J., Lipps, P.E., and Slininger, P. J.  2004.  Field testing of antagonists of Fusarium head blight ... urban soils on turfgrass establishment, productivity, and rust severity.  HortScience 36(4):790-794. ...

  7. Master Urban Farmer Program, Session Nine

    This program is part of a series. The application deadline for the program is August 31, 2018.  ...

  8. Master Urban Farmer Program, Session Eight

    This program is part of a series. The application deadline for the program is August 31, 2018.  ...

  9. Master Urban Farmer Program, Session Eight

    This program is part of a series. The application deadline for the program is August 31, 2018.  ...

  10. Master Urban Farmer Program, Session Seven

    This program is part of a series. The application deadline for the program is August 31, 2018.  ...
