
Search results

  1. Low-impact Lawn Care

    wildlife including native planting, rain barrels, and rain gardens. REDUCING ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS IN URBAN ... lawn care utilizes practices like soil testing, water conservation, careful cultural practices and ... soil and use simple steps such as soil testing.   Photo credit: ...

  2. For Well Owners

    There are a number of materials here that may be helpful for understanding how to test, understand ... and protect your well water. Test The first step in caring for your well water is to have it tested ... .  If you are visiting this site and have not had your water tested, you should arrange to have your ...

  3. Lead

    about Lead in Drinking Water ATSDR- Toxic Substances Portal- Lead FACT SHEETS Ohio Department of Health- ... Private Water Systems Program - Lead in Drinking Water from Private Water Systems ATSDR ToxFAQs Fact ... GENERAL INFORMATION Lead is a toxic metal that was used for many years in products found in and ...

  4. New Survey Shows the Need for Investing in People for Clean Water

    professionals who lead projects that reduce agricultural runoff in watersheds of the Upper Mississippi River ... Basin. Also, the survey lead, Craig Ficenec of Sand County Foundation, wrote a blog post for NCRWN on the ...

  5. Advice for Making Local Watershed Projects More Inclusive

    Diversity is a fact. Equity is a choice. Inclusion is an action. Belonging is an outcome. Check ...

  6. Promoting Infiltration

    should not be removed (A New Way: Restoring Habitat in Urban Watersheds, Wayne County Michigan DEQ, ... rain, storms, your garden hose, etc. to soak into the ground instead of running into nearby streams, ... landscaping to promote infiltration. Next Steps Review the ODNR fact sheet Stream Debris and Obstruction ...

  7. Chlorite

    Substances Portal- Chlorine Dioxide & Chlorite FACT SHEETS ATSDR ToxFAQs Fact Sheet- Chlorine Dioxide ...

  8. Fluoride

    Chemicals ATSDR- Toxic Substances Portal- Fluorides, Hydrogen Fluoride, and Fluorine FACT SHEETS ODH & ... OEPA Fact Sheet- Fluoride in Ohio's Ground Water ATSDR ToxFAQs Fact Sheet- Fluorides, Hydrogen ...

  9. Cadmium

    metals like zinc, lead, and copper. Cadmium does not corrode easily and has many uses, including ... severely irritates the stomach, leading to vomiting and diarrhea. Long-term exposure to lower levels of ... cadmium in water leads to a buildup of cadmium in the kidneys and possible kidney disease. Other long-term ...

  10. Fecal coliform

    Assessment- Fecal Bacteria CDC- Drinking Water- Well Testing FACT SHEETS ODH- Health Assessment Fact Sheet- ... system be tested for total coliforms and E. coli periodically in order to determine the need for ... Total & Fecal Coliform ODH - Private Water Systems Fact Sheet- Microbiological Standards for Private ...
