
Search results

  1. Cornell GAPS Training- online

    Cornell University and the National Good Agricultural Practices Program will host its GAPS ONLINE ...

  2. Sheep Grazing/Forage Management Tour

    Southeast Regional office will be on the left across the road from the (OARDC Eastern Agriculture Research ...

  3. USDA Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) Program Seminar

    Opportunities for research, education, Extension, and graduate student funding from the USDA Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) program. ...

  4. Diagnostic Workshop for Ohio State University Master Gardener Volunteers

    What:   Join other MGVs who love to learn and hone your diagnostic skills at the same time!  The morning session, "A Review of Insects and Diseases of 2015" will focus on the top pest problems observed in 2015 as well as an update on invasive in ...

  5. Meagan Bolen Receives Fred Stout Experience Award

    completed an Associate degree in May, 2012 at the OSU Agriculture Technical Institute. Her early work ...

  6. 2014 Ohio Sheep Day

    M-44’s Basic Sheep Management Practices for the Beginner or Novice Shepherd Successful Agricultural Lime ...

  7. Recently Published / Presented

    science, government, and the public in directing the future of animal agriculture] Jessica Pempek, The Ohio ...

  8. Agriculture and Natural Resources, Extension Educator In-Service: Animal Sciences


  9. Hawkins Inducted into Animal Science Hall of Fame

    Hawkins is a recipient of five prestigious awards from MSU’s College of Agriculture and National ...

  10. Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences Career Expo

    Come explore what opportunities are available for both internships and full time employment at this year's Food, Ag., and Environmental Sciences Carerr Expo! It will be located at Nationwide Ohio Farm Bureau and 4-H Center on October 1 from 12-4pm. F ...
