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  1. (Speaker Series) Cultivating Understanding: Engaging with Opposing Views in Agricultural Discussions

    Janice Person, an expert in agricultural communication, will share lessons learned when she worked at ... confusing. Using agricultural communication as an example, Janice will outline ways to approach people who ... inside agriculture and from ag to the general public. She focuses on public speaking, training and ...

  2. David L. Marrison

    740.722.6073 B.S., Agricultural Education/Agricultural Economics, The Ohio State University ... M.S., Agricultural Education, Purdue University FFMPI Affiliated Faculty & Staff ...

  3. Opportunities for agricultural attorneys and law students

    Blog Subscriptions ...

  4. Preparing farms for the solar eclipse

    for farmers and farmland owners. To prepare for potential impacts of the eclipse on the agricultural ... community, OSU’s Agricultural & Resource Law Program and OSU’s Ag Safety Team offer these five steps ... risks of engaging in agriculturally related agritourism activities, such as feeding livestock, picking ...

  5. Transitioning to Organic Workshop

    Organic farming, also known as ecological farming or biological farming, is an agricultural system ... farm, or are considering it, a March 21 workshop being held at the North Central Agricultural Research ... Food, Agriculture, and Environmental Sciences, and is located just outside of Fremont in Sandusky ...

  6. JAPAN: Its Cultures and Agricultural Practices

    A talk in the series Cultural Connections—where culture meets agriculture Kottman Hall, Room 244 ...

  7. Using Drones for Spray Application- Adoption Trends in US and Worldwide

    country, and there were over 200,000 agricultural-drone pilots. Using drones for spraying pesticides is ... do not allow the use of traditional ground sprayers or conventional agricultural aircraft, (2) ... US agriculture. We have large fields which makes use of sprayers with huge booms reaching 120 ft in ...

  8. ETHIOPIA: 13 Months of Sunshine A talk in the series Cultural Connections — where culture meets agriculture

    agriculture Wooster Science Building, Room 175/175A, 1600 Wilson Rd, CFAES Wooster Tuesday, April 2, 2024, ...

  9. You Are Invited to Participate! Innovation and Technology in Agriculture Survey

    agriculture.  Your responses will help us to direct our research activities towards areas that are more likely ...

  10. Mark Badertscher

    Mark Badertscher Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources Agronomic Crops Hardin County, 1021 ... W. Lima Street, Kenton OH 43326 419-767-6037 419-674-2268 B.S. Agriculture- The ... Ohio State University- 1987 M.S. Agricultural Education- The Ohio State University- 1996 ...
