
Search results

  1. SENR Global Education- Iceland Info Session (Kottman Hall)

    soil, geothermic energy, agriculture, ecotourism, and Icelandic history.  This program is open to ...

  2. SENR Global Education- Australia Info Session (Hagerty Hall)

    Barrier Reef, hike in the Wet Tropics Rainforest, learn about agriculture and mining, and learn about the ...

  3. SENR Global Education- New Zealand Info Session (Kottman Hall)

    impacts of ecotourism, land use and wildlife conservation, agriculture and Māori history pre- and ...

  4. Mapped: How Much of Each U.S. State’s Population Lives in Cities

    Blog Subscriptions ...

  5. SENR Seminar Series- PhD Presentation

    significant composition changes in intensified agricultural and developed lands. A geographically weighted ...

  6. Greg Lipps joins Columbus Zoo and Aquarium as First Conservation Biologist

    the School of Environment and Natural Resources in the College of Food, Agricultural, and ...

  7. SENR Seminar Series Lightning Talks

    turbidity due to excessive nutrient inputs from surrounding agricultural and urban tributaries. Elevated ... developed to quantify the soil health status and provide recommendations for agriculture management ... health across landscapes and (agro)ecosystems at the Grace L. Drake Agricultural Laboratory, Wooster, ...

  8. SENR Announcements, August 16

    coordinate the Ohio Lights Out programs and work on avian conservation in urban areas and today, Harrison Fried, ... Lopez-Nicora,  Urban greenspaces shape soil nematode community across soil depth gradients: Belowground life at ... presenter for the August 6 Foundation for Food & Agriculture Research (FFAR) webinar, "Taking ACTION: ...

  9. Ippolito Research Team

    University, the USDA-Agricultural Research Service, and now The Ohio State University. Current Projects: 1. ... Wooster, Ohio; 3. USDA: Climate Smart Commodities-Soil Health-Saving Tomorrow’s Agricultural Resources ... Assistance Consortium State of Science and Future Opportunities to Address PFAS in Agriculture;  NRCS: ...

  10. Introduction to Urban Extension

    Agriculture      Urban Influence Codes      Rural-Urban Continuum Codes-National Center for Health Statistics ... This introduction to urban Extension provides resources to improve awareness of urban Extension ... suburban communities, but to increase Extension impact in urban areas through improved knowledge of the ...
