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  1. Using Aerial Imagery to make Agronomic Decisions

    we’ll cover: Decision Making with High Resolution Crop Imagery Drones in Agriculture Layering Your Maps ...

  2. Ningxia University administrators visit Ohio State's College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences

    International Programs in Agriculture in Ohio State’s College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences. ... areas of agriculture, horticulture, and turfgrass management each year. Dr. Mike Chrisman, Director of ... program and thanked the university for its support for international agricultural education throughout the ...

  3. An Empirical Analysis of the Determinants of Contract Choice in Groundwater Irrigation in Bangladesh: Are There Any Lessons for Ohio Agriculture?

    Groundwater (GW) is a scarce and invisible resource, and is a significant concern in many countries. Pollution and depletion of it causes severe economic, environmental and social dislocations in many countries including USA. Water-intensive crops such as ...

  4. Ohio Youth Institute

    support of the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences; OSU Extension; Ohio 4-H; and ...

  5. CFAES faculty and students receive more than $70,000 for international research

    Gateway. Four faculty members and three students in the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental ... countries. Awardees from CFAES include: Faculty Research Qian Chen, Department of Food, Agricultural and ... Department of Food, Agricultural and Biological Engineering "Agricultural Energy and the Environment: ...

  6. blog test ...

  7. Tanzanian Ph.D. Student Receives Distinguished AWARD Fellowship

    named a fellow of the African Women in Agricultural Research and Development (AWARD) Program. Frida is ... Agricultural Research Initiative (iAGRI) – a USAID-funded, Feed the Future project in Tanzania led by The Ohio ... agricultural field. This program will encourage female scientists to share their experiences with their younger ...

  8. 4-H Quality Assurance Test Out

    Call the Extension Office to preregister (required). ...

  9. 4-H Quality Assurance Test Out

    Call the Extension Office to preregister (required). ...

  10. 4-H Quality Assurance Test Out

    Call the Extension Office to preregister (required). ...
