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New BUGmobile artwork for traveling bug zoo
looking at the new artwork on the BUGmobile, a traveling bug zoo from the College of Food, Agricultural ...
Salmonella in Fresh Produce
contaminated materials and products (untreated seedling, water, dust, soil, and agricultural inputs) [3]. ... plating on XLT4 agar plate. Factors Increasing the Risk of Contaminated Tomato Plants and Fruits by ... Salmonella. Therefore, production systems at proximity to these areas have a higher risk to be contaminated by ...
Maps, Apps and Mobile Media Marketing
ANR-53 Agriculture and Natural Resources 03/13/2024 Reviewed by: Christie Welch, Direct Marketing ... Specialist-Food/Agriculture; College of Food, Agriculture, and Environmental Sciences, Ohio State University Extension Julie ... Fox, Associate Professor, Director Strategic Initiatives & Urban Engagement; College of Food, ...
A Guide to Corn Growth and Development
ANR-0148 Agriculture and Natural Resources 02/26/2024 Osler Ortez, Corn and Emerging Crops, ... coleoptile emerges through the soil surface (Figure 2). The root system consists of the radicle (with branch ... primarily related to soil temperature, soil moisture, planting depth, and seed-to-soil contact. Earlier ...
Matthias Klein
risk of ketosis in dairy cows as well as markers of human liver and kidney diseases. Dr. Klein held ...
Triticale as a Cover Crop in Ohio
ANR-0120 Agriculture and Natural Resources 04/04/2023 Sarah Noggle; Educator; Food, Agriculture ... Associate, Water Quality; Food, Agriculture, and Environmental Sciences; Ohio State University Extension, ... Preferred soil pH: 6.0–7.0 Table 1. Rating the traits of cover crop triticale. Heat tolerance Good Drought ...
Know The Rules When Employing Minors on Your Farm
ANR-26-10 Agriculture and Natural Resources 08/30/2010 Chris Zoller, Extension Educator, ANR Young ... requirements set by the Fair Labor Standards Act, and the agriculture requirements are less stringent than ... agriculture are hazardous to children less than 16 years of age. However, there are some exemptions. These ...
Understanding How Soil Test Phosphorus Impacts Water Quality
Tests as Risk Indicators for Leaching of Dissolved Phosphorus from Agricultural Soils in Ontario. Soil ... enough soil P is readily available or if P needs to be added to reduce the risk of crop yield loss. The ... Integrating Agricultural and Environmental Management. Plant and Soil. 237: 287–307. ...
Jessi Raubenolt
topics such as Asiatic garden beetle population distribution, emerald ash borer host preference, and ...
Faculty Research Areas
insect infestation on overall distribution as well as the relationship between soil health, plant ... defenses and insect biodemography. Mary Gardiner The Gardiner Lab studies the ecology of urban greenspaces. ... conservation value for arthropods, studies focused from the tree canopy to soil communities. Reed Johnson ...