
Search results

  1. 2022 Ohio Certified Volunteer Naturalist Class

    – 4 pm. Classes will run through November 15. Topics include wildlife, aquatics, soils, geology, trees, ... page of county news, but there is also additional information found by clicking Agriculture and Natural ...

  2. 2023 Commercial Recertification

    Vertebrate Pests March 1, 2023-  Agricultural Fertilizer Recertification February 28, 2023 Ag. and Horticultural ... Field Crop Categories Offered: Core 2a- Agronomic Pest 2b- Horticultural Pest 2c- Agricultural Weed 2d- ... only   March 1, 2023 Agricultural Fertilizer Recertification 10:00a.m.- 11:00 a.m. During the online ...

  3. Ohio Certified Volunteer Naturalist

    Aquatic Life Geology and Soils Woods in Your Backyard Foraging for Plants and Mushrooms Insects and Other ...

  4. Paraquat Training

    Dichloride Human Health Mitigation Decision set forth new requirements to mitigate risks associated with the ... ingredient in Gramoxone, is an herbicide widely used for grasses and weeds in agricultural as well as ... Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act standards for registration, the EPA has required the following risk ...

  5. Agriculture Fertilizer Recertification Webinar- March 1

    Live Recertification Online Webinars One Hour Agriculture Fertilizer Recertification  March 1, ... 2023 Register for Agricultural Fertilizer Recertification Links to the webinars rooms will be emailed ... Register Here for Agriculture Fertilizer Recertification Webinar Walcom Registration W-9 Transferring, ...

  6. Ethylene dibromide

    When soil and climatic conditions are favorable, EDB may get into drinking water by runoff into surface ... dibromide well in excess of the maximum contaminant level (MCL) for many years could experience problems ... with liver, stomach, reproductive system, or kidneys, and may have an increased risk of cancer. 0.05 ...

  7. Managing Nutrients in Agricultural Watersheds

    (SENR), will discuss the Phosphorus Risk Index, a field-based planning tool that integrates soil ... properties, hydrology and agricultural management practices to assess the risk of phosphorus movement from ... Nutrient runoff from agricultural watersheds presents a challenge for watershed managers as well ...

  8. Extension Master Gardener Volunteer Program, Initial Training Class


  9. Alachlor

    Some people who drink water containing alachlor well in excess of the maximum contaminant level (MCL) ... and may have increased risk of getting cancer. 2.00 ppb ug/L ppb SVOC MCL MCL ADVISORY- ACTION IS ... HIGHLY RECOMMENDED Alachlor levels were detected in your water sample to exceed the maximum contaminant ...

  10. Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) Training Offered in Lucas County

    reduce the risk of on-farm produce contamination and includes the following topics: Food Safety ...
