
Search results

  1. Agricultural Education Society Meeting

    Agricultural Education Society meets on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month. Meetings are held in ... the Agricultural Administration Building Auditorium. Refreshments are served at 7:15 pm, with the ...

  2. Agricultural Education Society Meeting

    Agricultural Education Society meets on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month. Meetings are held in ... the Agricultural Administration Building Auditorium. Refreshments are served at 7:15 pm, with the ...

  3. Agricultural Education Society Meeting

    Agricultural Education Society meets on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month. Meetings are held in ... the Agricultural Administration Building Auditorium. Refreshments are served at 7:15 pm, with the ...

  4. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2012-08

    of enhancing conservation of soil and water resources, and increasing crop rotation and spatial ... and soil temperatures will be causing slugs to hatch earlier and will result in slugs beginning their ... transgenic for rootworm control, treated with a soil insecticide if continuous corn, or are part of ...

  5. Hybrid performance with and without various transgenic traits – Ohio trends

    yields of hybrids with transgenic traits for above and below ground insect resistance. Force 3G soil ...

  6. CFAES holds clothing drive for children in Honduras

    After a visit to  Choluteca, Honduras,  in April 2013, Jamie Cano,  Department of Agricultural ... Communication, Education, and Leadership  (ACEL), and Warren Tyler Agner, a Ph.D. student in Agricultural and ... received his M.S. in Agricultural and Extension Education in 2000. ...

  7. Buck receives Honorary National FFA Degree

    Dr. Emily Buck, associate professor in the Department of Agricultural Communication, Education, ... from across the United States share their passion for FFA and agricultural industry. ...

  8. Baughman recognized as Distinguished Alumni at CFAES Alumni Awards

    At the 2015 CFAES Alumni Awards, agricultural education alum C. Dale Baughman was presented with ... rought distinction to themselves; to the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences; to ... the School of Environment and Natural Resources; to the Agricultural Technical Institute; to the Ohio ...

  9. Agricultural Education Society

    Agricutural Education Society Meeting 7pm, Agricultural Administration Auditorium ...

  10. Agricultural Education Society

    Agricutural Education Society Meeting 7pm, Agricultural Administration Auditorium ...
