
Search results

  1. "Beyond the Table" Food from Garden to Plate

    The March 14 program features information on food from garden to plate in celebration of National ...

  2. Extension Volunteers Will Be Participating at the Toledo Zoo's Party for the Planet

    Extension Master Gardener Volunteers will be onsite sharing information about the spotted ...

  3. Canada Thistle (Cirsum arvense)

    meadows. It can also be found in clay to gravely soils. Leaves: 3-8 inches long, alternate with spiny, ... prevents the coexistence of other plant species through shading, competition for soil resources, and ...

  4. April 10, 2024- New Applicator Training- Webinar

    with the Ohio Department of Agriculture, which requires a separate $35 fee.  Signing up for this class ... Industrial Vegetation-  The application of pesticides to non-agricultural lands, such as roadways, public ... permitted to make 6c applications. 8- Turf-  The application of pesticides to lawns, turf, sod, or to soil ...

  5. Wood-Destroying Insect Inspection

    Ohio Department of Agriculture. Note: The WDI training offers 5 hours of recertification for the day: ... the Ohio Department of Agriculture. To schedule an exam, click here. Registration: Pre-registration:  ... Location: Ohio Department of Agriculture Bromfield Administration Building 8995 East Main Street ...

  6. Perennial sowthistle (Sanchus arvensis)

    neutral, fine textured, rich soils. Leaves: Alternate, blue-green with prickly-toothed margins. Deeply ...

  7. Water Hemp (Amaranthus tuberculatus)

    stems. Life Cycle: Annual Habitat: Crop fields, disturbed areas. Prefers poorly drained soils. Leaves: ...

  8. Licensing

    rented land, and produces an agricultural commodity.   Do you need to become a licensed, private ... 4. Register with the Ohio Department of Agriculture for an exam date and location:   register online ... License Fees should be paid to: Ohio Department of Agriculture Pesticide Regulation 8995 E. Main St. ...

  9. Hairy white top or ballcress (Lepidium appelianum)

    alkaline soils Leaves: Blue-green in color with lower leaves being stalked and upper leaves having two ...

  10. Johnsongrass (Sorgum halepense)

    soil surface. They are stout with purple spots and scales at the nodes.  The problem is….Johnsongrass ...
