
Search results

  1. National 4-H Conference

    of the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture, assist in the development of recommendations to help guide 4-H ...

  2. Bigham named CFAES’s interim associate dean for research

    leadership transition. He came to the college in 1977 as an assistant professor in soil science and built an ...

  3. Grain Bin Storage Preparation

    spots that can lead to mold growth.  While inspecting for physical problems, also test aeration fans and ...

  4. Pesticide License Testing 2015

    OSU Extension Wayne County has set up testing dates with the Ohio Department of Agriculture (ODA) ... exam date.  Study materials are sent by mail from the Ohio Department of Agriculture when an ...

  5. Yield Monitor Calibration for Grain Harvest

    population, type of hybrid, fertilizer application, and soil drainage.  Sometimes yield maps are used for crop ...

  6. Selling Food from the Farm: Is a License Necessary?

    Peggy Hall, OSU Agriculture and Resource Law Program director answered the question regarding ...

  7. Wayne County Extension Has Impact With Their Programs

    and a chance for parents and exhibitors to ask questions they might have leading up to fair. We also ...

  8. Master Gardener Volunteer State Conference


  9. Fly Control Around Livestock Facilities

    areas where flies breed and rest includes: Fence lines where manure mixed with wet soil accumulates The ...

  10. 2017 eFields Research Report Available

    description of and examples from the 2107 eFields report from the Precision Agriculture and Digital ...
