
Search results

  1. National 4-H Conference

    of the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture, assist in the development of recommendations to help guide 4-H ...

  2. Dairy Feed Bunk and Water Trough Management

    generally more lameness, increased cow stress, and suppressed immune systems, leading to more health ...

  3. Winter Feeding of Beef Cows

    forage intake as much as grain-based supplements.”   Rory Lewandowski is an OSU Extension Agriculture ...

  4. Pesticide License Testing 2015

    OSU Extension Wayne County has set up testing dates with the Ohio Department of Agriculture (ODA) ... exam date.  Study materials are sent by mail from the Ohio Department of Agriculture when an ...

  5. Grain Bin Storage Preparation

    spots that can lead to mold growth.  While inspecting for physical problems, also test aeration fans and ...

  6. Sprayer Preparation and Calibration

    Extension Agriculture & Natural Resources Educator and may be reached at 330-264-8722. CFAES provides ...

  7. Outdoor Activities Can Lead To Healthier Kids

    A colleague recently shared with me a really great info-graphic prepared by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) that illustrates just how much of an impact being outdoors can have on kids and their health.  Here are just a few of the key facts illust ...

  8. Communiqué March 4, 2015

    Agricultural Administration and dean, College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences I’m pleased to ... strengths of OSU Extension and the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences. I’ll count on ... have identified the best possible individual to lead us into Extension’s second century. As the ...

  9. CFAES Alum Returns to Lead Ohio State Extension

    outreach arm of the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences and has an annual budget of ... agricultural administration and CFAES dean, praised Rennekamp for his experience at all levels of the ...

  10. Yield Monitor Calibration for Grain Harvest

    population, type of hybrid, fertilizer application, and soil drainage.  Sometimes yield maps are used for crop ...
