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  1. Devastating Maize Disease Emerges in East Africa

    disease has now spread to neighboring countries in East Africa. Working with with Kenya Agricultural ... a priority for Kenyan agriculture, as no chemical treatment options exist for virus diseases. The ... Oklahoma State, Kenya Agricultural Research Institute; and Mexico's International Maize and Wheat ...

  2. Students Honored for Scholarships

    Agricultural and Human Ecology Fund- Scholarship awarded to undergraduate dairy students with interest in dairy ... production agriculture. 2013-2014 recipient: Taylor Kruse, Pettisville, OH James O. Grandstaff Memorial Fund- ... dedication to the livestock industry and agriculture, residence at some time on a farm or in a rural area in ...

  3. Plant Pathology Awards at CFAES Banquet

    Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences and a  Newcomb Scholar (highest GPA), and he recognized Monica ...

  4. 1902

    Charles S. Plumb was hired as Associate Professor of Animal Husbandry in the College of Agriculture and ...

  5. Pre-Fair Message to 2015 4-H/FFA Horse Youth, Parents, and Advisors

    South Barn)- Contest Showmanship exhibitors may carry their tack and lead their horse to the tack ...

  6. Buckeye Dairy News

    – A Cover Crop with Feed Value? Eric Richer, Extension Educator in Agriculture and Natural Resources, Fulton ...

  7. Meat Judging Course

    selecting meat? Well The College of Agriculture offers a course to help you answer some of these questions. ...

  8. Wehrkamp inducted into Animal Science Hall of Fame

    animal agriculture in Ohio. As Cooper Farms has grown and become involved in new ventures, Terry Wehrkamp ...

  9. Hull and Weaver Inducted into Dairy Science Hall of Service 2015

    Ohio State who are now veterinarians or actively involved in animal agriculture. The recognition ... Ag. to the USDA Agricultural Air Quality Task Force. As one of the letters emphasized, “Dr. Weaver was ...

  10. Archery Project Workshop

    attendance.  Stephanie is an agricultural educator at Ridgemont schools works with Koty on introducing youth to ...
