
Search results

  1. OEFFA's 35th Annual Congress

    Ohio's largest sustainable agriculture conference will feature keynote speakers, ...

  2. Additional Projects

    purpose of this project is to improve soil quality with the help of a continuous cover crop.  We have ...

  3. Up Close and Personal: Talk to Organic Researchers

    State University’s College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences during a workshop Sept. ...

  4. Business Development Network Updates

    fields of agriculture, banking and economics, arts, museum, community, tourism, sports, health, ...

  5. OSU Extension Direct Food and Ag Marketing Team 2017 Summary Report

    continues to collaborate with the Ohio Department of Agriculture’s Ohio Proud Program. Team members ...

  6. Coming soon: Co-op Mastery, an online training from The Ohio Cooperative Development Center

    be encouraged to access training materials that complement their agricultural studies. “Co-op ...

  7. Hands-on Horticulture

    political stability. With sixty percent of people in Africa depending on agriculture, the people of Northern ... technical and practical assistance to make sustainable agriculture a reality in Northern Senegal. Brad ... Purpose: The objective of the project is to implement state-of-the-art agricultural education and extension ...

  8. Hops Production Field Day

    · Landscape fabric, weed control · Insect management · Food Safety & Good Agricultural Practices (GAPS) ...

  9. OCDC awarded Rural Cooperative Development Grant

    Department of Agriculture Rural Cooperative Development Grant (RCDG) program, a competitive program that ... in industries such as local and regional food and agriculture, energy, transportation, forest and ...

  10. South Centers Synergy:Pumpkin Power

    pumpkin production. According to the USDA Agricultural Marketing Service, consumer demand for specialty ...
