
Search results

  1. Ohio State Policy & Outlook Meetings Focus on Farm and Food Economies

    meetings will be held in December and January. Specialists from the Department of Agricultural ...

  2. Ohio Wheat Greening Up and It Looks Promising

    appointment with the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center. Paul said final stand counts and ...

  3. Western Bean Cutworm Monitored in Ohio Again This Year

    Agricultural Research and Development Center. "We didn't find any eggs. We found one larvae and one ...

  4. Keep Livestock Away from Poison Hemlock

    assistant in agriculture and natural resources, said people should learn to recognize poison hemlock. The ...

  5. Ribes Trials to Evalute Resistance and Immunity to White Pine Blister Rust

    Agriculture Germplasm Repository, but they can also be purchased from commercial fruit nurseries." ...

  6. Chow Line: Calories on menus having an effect (for 6/7/09)

    Agricultural Research and Development Center. Send questions to Chow Line, c/o Martha Filipic, 2021 Coffey ...

  7. Chow Line: Calculating costs of obesity isn't easy (for 2/24/08)

    Agricultural Research and Development Center. Send questions to Chow Line, c/o Martha Filipic, 2021 Coffey ...

  8. Chow Line: Eat for a healthy heart (for 2/14/10)

    Ohio State University Extension and the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center. Send ...

  9. Chow Line: Don't opt for organics for wrong reasons (for 7/18/10)

    of Ohio State University Extension and the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center. Send ...

  10. Chow Line: Don't give up if some dairy is hard to digest (for 6/6/10) Chow Line is a service of Ohio State University Extension and the Ohio Agricultural Research and ...
