
Search results

  1. Event Recap: Towards the Measurement of Net Economic Welfare: Inter-temporal Environmental Accounting in the US Economy

    utilities, agriculture, manufacturing, transportation, and construction. In his data analysis he found that ... manufacturing, agriculture, and transportation sectors. This research is significant as environmental accounting ...

  2. Darke and Shelby Counties Agricultural Policy and Outlook Meeting

    Speakers:  Matt Roberts,  Barry Ward,  Carl Zulauf The Ohio State University  Agricultural Outlook and Policy ...

  3. Applications Due- Study Abroad Voyagers

    and interest in furthering study abroad for the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental ...

  4. AEDE Undergraduate Scholarship Competition

    The Department of Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics (AEDE) offers on average ...

  5. Conservation Strategy Fund receives MacArthur Award

    economics training and analysis. Rocío Moreno, alumni of the Department of Agricultural, Environmental and ...

  6. Intra-industry Trade between Brazil and OECD Countries: Decomposition and Its Main Determinants

    University of Paraná (UFPR), will present on March 18th in Room 105 of the Agricultural Administration ...

  7. Identifying Non-Cooperative Behavior Among Spouses: Child Outcomes in Migrant-Sending Households

    cooperative. The model yields a simple test for cooperative decision-making, which I apply to data from China. ...

  8. With or Without Siblings: Sorting into Competition in the Experimental Chinese Labor Market

    Agricultural Administration Building (2120 Fyffe Road) as part of the AEDE Applied Economics Seminar Series. ...

  9. First Draft of New Senate Farm Bill

    Deborah Stabenow, Chair, of the U.S. Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry. This is the ...

  10. Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences

    Freshmen (First Semester Only) Ecuador   December 2013 Study sustainable agricultural practices in Ecuador ...
