
Search results

  1. Bumble Bee Pollination in Tomato Greenhouses

    ENT-0092 Agriculture and Natural Resources 05/23/2023 Emily Runnion; PhD Student; Sivakoff Lab; ... agricultural economic market. Hybrid tomato seeds, on a per-weight basis, can be more valuable than gold ... $10.8 billion (Cooley & Vallejo-Marín, 2021). According to the 2019 U.S. Department of Agriculture ...

  2. Growing Peaches and Nectarines in the Home Landscape

    HYG-1406 Agriculture and Natural Resources 01/12/2017 Gary Gao, PhD, Associate Professor and ... gardeners. Photo by Keith Weller, USDA. Nectarines can be used in the same way as peaches, and may be ... cold storage (more than 14 days). Should I Grow Peaches and Nectarines in My Home Garden? Nothing ...

  3. Pest Alert: Spotted Lanternfly in Grape Production

    ENT-0098 Agriculture and Natural Resources 04/26/2024 Daiyanera Kelsey, Research Technician, The ... masses from September into November (Figure 1) (Urban & Leach, 2023). Egg masses contain dozens of ... and an increased prevalence of flies, bees, and wasps (Urban, 2020). Long-term research is still ...

  4. Nutrient Removal for Field Crops in Ohio

    ANR-96 Agriculture and Natural Resources 04/13/2021 Harold Watters, Associate Professor and Field ... manure equivalent at crop removal rates. Additionally, if soil test levels of P and K are below the ... critical level, then a "Buildup" recommendation would be considered to increase soil test levels ...

  5. Know The Rules When Employing Minors on Your Farm

    ANR-26-10 Agriculture and Natural Resources 08/30/2010 Chris Zoller, Extension Educator, ANR Young ... requirements set by the Fair Labor Standards Act, and the agriculture requirements are less stringent than ... agriculture are hazardous to children less than 16 years of age. However, there are some exemptions. These ...

  6. Hydrothermal Carbonization: Upgrading Waste Biomass to Char

    Department of Food, Agricultural and Biological Engineering, The Ohio State University What is Hydrothermal ... agricultural residues, and industrial and animal wastes, are suitable for HTC (Figure 1) [3]. Water acts as ... phosphorus from agriculture runoffs, and a soil amendment [4]. The distribution of solid, liquid, and gaseous ...

  7. Managing Marestail in No-till Soybeans

    ANR-72 Agriculture and Natural Resources 06/12/2019 Mark M. Loux, The Ohio State University, and ... Agriculture and Natural Resources Horticulture and Crop Science ...

  8. Understanding Value in Lime

    test calls for an application of 2,000 lbs/A of calcium carbonate equivalent, what is the best choice ... soil test recommendation as a calcium carbonate equivalent basis and is specific for the crop, soil, ... lime history, and tillage depth indicated on the test submission form. This means that we must adjust ...

  9. Cicada Killer Wasp

    Home, Yard and Garden Horticulture Insects and Pests cicada killers cicada killer wasp giant ohio wasps ...

  10. Chris Galbraith

    in weed management, soil biology, market gardening, and other areas of commercial vegetable ...
