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  1. Stephen Nameth

    Stephen Nameth Professor Emeritus PhD Plant Pathology, University of California Riverside BS Agronomy, California Polytechnic University At The Ohio State University: Director, Agricultural Technical Institute, Ohio State, Wooster Department of Plant Path ...

  2. Allen Co. Ag & Natural Resource Needs Assessment

    My name is Garth McDorman, and I am the new Agriculture and Natural Resources Extension Educator with OSU Extension here in Allen County. I was born, raised, and currently reside on my family farm in Auglaize Township here in Allen County. Outside of the ...

  3. Forage Resiliency Webinar Series

    The Forage Resiliency Webinar Series will consist of three 60-minute webinars on Zoom offering information on how to remain resilient to a variety of environmental challenges. Each webinar has its own registration link. Please register for each webinar. O ...

  4. Forage Resiliency Webinar Series

    The Ohio State Integrated Forage Management Team will be offering a three-part Zoom webinar series on forage resiliency to cover information on how to remain resilient to a variety of environmental challenges in forage production systems. Webinars will be ...

  5. OSU Corn Deoxynivalenol, DON, (Vomitoxin) Resistance Screening Program-2024

    With support from Ohio Corn and Wheat through the Corn Check Off, OSU conducted its second year of corn deoxynivalenol (DON) hybrid susceptibility screening. The objective of this project was to identify hybrids with partial genetic resistance to DON. Use ...

  6. Success Stories of Conservation

    Join the OSU Extension Water Quality Team and Michigan State University Extension for a new program focusing on the successful implementation of conservation practices in the Western Lake Erie Basin on Thursday, February 20 th, 2025. This event, “Success ...

  7. Garth McDorman

    Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resouces 419-879-9108 ...

  8. February Ag Outlook and Policy Meetings

    There is still time to register for plenty of opportunities to learn more coming up in February. The Regional Agricultural Outlook and Policy Meetings hosted by Ohio State University Extension continues to roll with 3 more offerings left. Each meeting bri ...

  9. Andres Sanabria-Velazquez

    Andres Sanabria-Velazquez Assistant Professor, Vegetable Crop Pathology Selby Hall (Wooster) PhD Plant Pathology, North Carolina State University MS Plant Pathology, The Ohio State University BS Agronomy, Universidad Nacional ...

  10. Meet Your New Forage Extension State Specialist – Dr. Emma Matcham

    We are excited to introduce Dr. Emma Matcham as the new Forage Extension State Specialist. Emma started her position in the Department of Horticulture and Crop Science on January 1st and will be an active member of the Ohio State University Agronomic Crop ...
