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  1. Steve Nameth

    Steve Nameth Professor Emeritus- Any- Journal article Book/book chapter Report Working paper Policy brief Presentation Data ...

  2. Join us for The Plate and Beyond

    Join the OSU Extension, Live Healthy Live Well team as they provide a March, National Nutrition Month, Webinar Series. Four weeks of webinars covering the basics, food and friends/family, food and travel, and the importance of nutrition at every stage of ...

  3. Living Well: The Plate and Beyond

      Join the OSU Extension, Live Healthy Live Well team as they provide a March, National Nutrition Month, Webinar Series. Four weeks of webinars covering the basics, food and friends/family, food and travel, and the importance of nutrition at every stage o ...

  4. Garth McDorman

    Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resouces 419-879-9108 ...

  5. Andres Sanabria-Velazquez

    Andres Sanabria-Velazquez Assistant Professor, Vegetable Crop Pathology Selby Hall (Wooster) PhD Plant Pathology, North Carolina State University MS Plant Pathology, The Ohio State University BS Agronomy, Universidad Nacional ...

  6. ACEL names 2025 Outstanding Seniors

    The Department of Agricultural Communication, Education, and Leadership (ACEL) has named nine students to the 2025 class of ACEL Outstanding Seniors. These students were selected by the faculty and staff of the department for their excellence both in and ...

  7. Art of Gardening Seminar

    Join the Allen Co. Master Gardener's 24th Annual Art of Gardening Seminar held on Saturday, March 15th at the Lima Campus. The cost of the event is $50.00 that includes continental breakfast, lunch, snacks, handouts and speakers.  This year the speak ...

  8. Allen Co. Master Gardener's Annual Art of Gardening Seminar

    Join the Allen Co. Master Gardener's 24th Annual Art of Gardening Seminar held on Saturday, March 15th at the Lima Campus. The cost of the event is $50.00 that includes continental breakfast, lunch, snacks, handouts and speakers.  This year the speak ...

  9. A letter to alumni, friends from our chair

    Greetings friends and alumni! As I write this note we are firmly in winter’s cold and the recent start of a new semester is a sure reminder that the seasons definitely pass, and the years indeed roll. It has been some time since we’ve been able to produce ...

  10. ACEL Alumni in the News: Autumn Semester

    The accomplishments of ACEL alumni continue to make headlines, showcasing their impact in agricultural communication, education, and leadership. From career advancements to groundbreaking research, their successes highlight the strength of our alumni netw ...
