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  1. Turf Students Place 5th in the GCSAA Turf Bowl!

    Shoutout to Jake Miller, Zach Beier, Evan Flory, and Trevor Sheets on this achievement. Get a glimpse into the conference and competition... ...

  2. Conservation top of mind for Ohio Bat Working Group

    Management and monitoring of bat habitat and populations is a top priority of the Ohio Bat Working Group (OBWG), formed in 2011 to connect and educate those working with bats around the state on current issues, research and monitoring efforts, and to grow ...

  3. Daniel Doretto

    Daniel Doretto Lead Research Technician Kottman Hall (310F) BS Agronomic Engineering- São Paulo State University (2021) I'm primarily responsible for overseeing the Weed Ecology & Management Lab's greenhouse and field resea ...

  4. Student advances soil science and carbon sequestration research with SI student grant

    The Sustainability Institute (SI) awarded two separate research grants to Brittany Multer Hopkins, PhD candidate in the School of Environment and Natural Resources, to help advance her research in discovering carbon sequestration capabilities in soil. Tha ...

  5. Submit Your Abstract

    Abstract submissions and registration are now open for the 2025 SENR Student Research Symposium!  Submitting abstracts to this year's symposium on April 25 at the Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center offers graduate and undergraduate students a ...

  6. About Linda Lobao

    I am a sociologist and an Academy (emerita) Professor at The Ohio State University.  I am also a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and a Distinguished Professor of Food, Agriculture, and Environmental Sciences at Ohio State ...

  7. Thriving in Your First Semester of Grad School: Essential Tips for Success

    Who better to dole out advice on this topic- than some grad students who just thrived in their first semester of grad school! See what tips Sumita + Frolence have for anyone considering grad school... ...

  8. Friday's Escape to the Forest Webinar Series- Prescribed Fire

    Please join us on  March 28 th, for a webinar on  prescribed fire  as a management tool in Ohio’s forests, presented by Jim Downs, OSU Extension Forestry Field Specialist, and Dr. Andy Londo, professor and OSU Extension Forestry Specialist with OSU Extens ...

  9. Brenda Medina Privatt

    Brenda Medina Privatt MS (Nangle/Sessoms) Wooster I'm anticipating graduating Autumn 2027 Research Focus: My research focuses on a novel soy-based product. We are currently in the second year of a project in collaboration with ...

  10. Join us for 'We Grow Scientists'! A COSI Community Event hosted by CFAES

    Join us for the annual ‘We Grow Scientists’ event! April 30, 2025 3:00-7:00 PM The Ohio State University’s College of Food, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences   (CFAES) will host the third annual “We Grow Scientists” event on Wednesday, April 30, 202 ...
