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Search results

  1. Food Preservation: Making and Preserving Sauerkraut


  2. Keep An Eye Out For Late Season Crop Pests

    While the growing season seems to be winding down, there are still some crops that we can carry late into the fall that still need to be tended to and managed ...

  3. Wayne County 4-H Members Earn Scholarships For Their Efforts

    Fifteen Wayne County 4-H’ers will be awarded $10,000 in scholarships at the Wayne County Fair ...

  4. Ways To Protect Livestock From West Nile Virus

    Current reports are that the West Nile Virus is making an appearance again this year, with cases reported in 31 states ...

  5. Economic Impact of Intel’s Investment in Ohio: Lessons from Chandler, Arizona


  6. Bugs to Bonsai: Wayne County Fair Grange Rotunda Offers Demos

    As part of the 175 th edition of the Wayne County Fair, the Ohio State University Extension will provide a variety of demonstrations and speakers in the Grange Rotunda, Monday through Thursday, Sept. 9-12 ...

  7. Ohio Doing Battle With the Armyworm- Here's What We Know

    Recent trap reports have shown that there are some areas with moderate to high moth populations and activity, both locally and statewide ...

  8. Response of Soils and Crops to Gypsum Application in Ohio


  9. Valuable Habits for Effective Managers and Employees


  10. Production of Specialty Small Grains in Ohio

