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  1. Morning with the Masters: How to Start Plants from Seeds

    How to Start Plants from Seeds Join our Master Gardener Volunteers to discuss the most up-to-date information to help you successfully start your plants from seed. Starting plants from seed can save you money and increase the variety of plants available f ...

  2. Advanced Winter Tree ID

    Looking for a more in-depth workshop on winter tree ID? This class will take a deep dive into identifying trees in winter utilizing twigs of common tree species. The indoor portion will focus on recognizing key characteristics of winter twigs. The outdoor ...

  3. SENR Announcements, January 7

    SENR Announcements Highlights Add paragraph:  Copy:  For some of you Sweet Work may be new to you, but for others reading about the sugar bush at Ohio State Mansfield in the Ohio State Alumni Magazine the story may bring a twinkle to your eye knowing that ...

  4. Upcoming Pesticide-Fertilizer Recertification Classes; Pressure Canner Testing

    Pesticide and Fertilizer Recertification, Mid-Ohio Growers Meeting For those needing to complete a recertification course for their private pesticide applicators license or their fertilizer applicators certification, there are several opportunities in Way ...

  5. 27 ACEL Buckeyes awarded American Degree

    Congratulations to the 27 students studying agricultural communication, agriscience education or community leadership who receive their American Degree today during the National FFA Convention this past week in Indianapolis, Indiana.  These students are: ...

  6. Arthur Rodrigues de Souza

    Arthur Rodrigues de Souza MS (Paul) Selby Hall (Wooster) BS Agronomy, Uberlandia Federal University, Brazil- Any- Journal article Book/book chapter Report Working paper Policy brief Presentation Data ...

  7. Ligia (Patricia) Calderon Delgado

    Ligia (Patricia) Calderon Delgado PhD (Lopez-Nicora) Kottman Hall (Columbus) MS Entomology and Plant Pathology, Oklahoma State BS Biotechnology Engineering, Francico de Paul Santander Univ, Columbus- Any- Journal arti ...

  8. Alysson (Arianna) Plaza

    Alysson (Arianna) Plaza MS (Paul) Selby Hall (Wooster) BS Agricultural Sciences and Production, Escuela Agricola Panamericana Zamorano, Honduras- Any- Journal article Book/book chapter Report Working paper Policy brief Present ...

  9. Keely McQuain

    Keely McQuain MS (Lopez-Nicora) Kottman Hall (Columbus) BS Agriculture- Plant Pathology, Ohio State- Any- Journal article Book/book chapter Report Working paper Policy brief Presentation Data ...

  10. Luiz Soroldoni Barbosa

    Luiz Soroldoni Barbosa MS (Paul) Selby Hall (Wooster) BS Agronomy, Federal University of Espirito Santo, Brazil- Any- Journal article Book/book chapter Report Working paper Policy brief Presentation Data ...
