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Search results

  1. US Dairy Herds and Policy and the 2022 Census of Agriculture

    Dr. Carl Zulauf, Department of Agricultural, Environmental and Development Economics,  The Ohio State University and Dr. Gary Schnitkey, Department of Agricultural and Consumer Economics, University of Illinois ...

  2. Dairy Sustainability – The Jargon, the Dairy Story, and the Opportunity (Part I)

    Dr. Kirby Krogstad, Assistant Professor, Department of Animal Sciences, The Ohio State University and Dr. Joanne Knapp, Fox Hollow Consulting, LLC Everyone wants to talk about carbon, but who is going to do anything about it? Dairy farmers and allied dair ...

  3. Disease Prevention: Making the Most of Your Spring (and every day) Cleaning Practices

    Drs. Samantha Locke, Alex Fonseca-Martinez, and Greg Habing, Department of Veterinary Preventive Medicine, The Ohio State University ...

  4. Using Dairy Manure with Newly Planted Corn and Soybeans

    Glen Arnold, Extension Field Specialist for Manure Nutrient Management, The Ohio State University In recent years, dairy farmers and commercial manure applicators have been moving towards applying dairy manure to newly planted corn and soybeans. Applying ...

  5. VOLUME 26: ISSUE 2


  6. Healthy Eating Recipes and Resources

    Ohio State University Extension Family and Consumer Sciences professionals offer a wide variety of nutrition-related programs throughout the state. Although OSU Extension, Family and Consumer Sciences programming topics vary from county to county around t ...

  7. Food Safety Manager Training

    Food Safety Manager Training Certification Exam and On-line Training Meets Ohio Department of Health requirements for Manager Level Certification in Food Protection Don’t have the time to sit through a Food Safety Training? Can’t find one near you? We hav ...

  8. Teen Opportunities

    Teens are encouraged to apply for great awards, events, and scholarships. You must be 14 or older as of January 1, 2024 to apply. Opportunities you may be eligible for include:  camp counselor, state 4-H achievement awards, award trips to Washington D.C., ...

  9. Money Smart

    How Money Smart Are You? Learn about everyday financial topics. Read through the information, click on resources, or play a game to help you learn about topics including:  Your Income and Expenses Making Housing Decisions Your Money Values and Influences ...

  10. Money Management and Finance

    MONEY MANAGEMENT PROGRAMS Ohio State University Extension Family and Consumer Sciences' money management programming uses interactive discussions and hands-on activities to teach: Financial goal-setting Spending plan creation Debt reduction Credit re ...
