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Farm Management Seminar
The 2016 Farm Management Seminar, a five-session workshop series, will focus on the financial education that goes along with operating a successful farming operation. Although the farm management school targets those who are new to agricultural fields, an ...
Farm Management Seminar
The 2016 Farm Management Seminar, a five-session workshop series, will focus on the financial education that goes along with operating a successful farming operation. Although the farm management school targets those who are new to agricultural fields, an ...
Farm Management Seminar
The 2016 Farm Management Seminar, a five-session workshop series, will focus on the financial education that goes along with operating a successful farming operation. Although the farm management school targets those who are new to agricultural fields, an ...
Ohio Hops and Malting Barley Conference and Trade Show
Hops is a main ingredient beer manufacturers use to provide bitterness to balance the sweetness of malt sugars in their product. As more Ohio-based craft brewers seek to procure hops grown locally, interest in growing these crops continues to rise. This c ...
Conservation Tillage and Technology Conference
High input costs coupled with low grain prices anticipated in 2016 means that growers have to make smarter, calculated choices to grow profitable crops this year. Also important is the need to build and maintain healthy soils to help ensure good water qua ...
Student Life
Campus Life ...
StrengthsFinder Workshop
Do you know your five strengths? According to the Gallup Organization, "we spend too much time focusing on our weaknesses, trying to make them stronger rather than recognizing our strengths." When you focus on your weaknesses, you miss out on ut ...
2014 Annual Report
OSU Extension has a rich history in Ohio cities and continues to address today’s priorities, while engaging in research to prepare for the future. As part of the OSU College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences, OSU Extension is the univers ...
Creating Pollinator Habitat
Learn about creating habitat in diverse ecosystems, including vacant urban property, roadsides, field edges, utility rights-of-way, pastures, and woodlands. Featured projects include Iowa State University's STRIPS native prairie research project, Pol ...
4-H Council Meeting