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  1. Farm Transition/Succession Workshop


  2. Dining With Diabetes


  3. Dining With Diabetes


  4. Dining With Diabetes


  5. Slow Cooker Class- Tuesday Evening Series

    Come learn about slow cooker basics, budgeting and nutrition.  Sample some recipes and take a few recipe ideas home to try! Attend this 2-part slow cooker series on October 20 & 27 from 6:30 to 8:00pm.  No cost to attend! View or print this program fl ...

  6. Slow Cooker Class- Tuesday Morning Series

    Come learn about slow cooker basics, budgeting and nutrition.  Sample some recipes and take a few recipe ideas home to try! Attend this 2-part slow cooker series on October 20 & 27 from 10-11:30am.  No cost to attend! View or print this program flyer ...

  7. DISCflex workshop

    Details here. Offered by the OSU Leadership Center. ...

  8. Communication and Conflict Management workshop

    Details here. Offered by the OSU Leadersip Center. ...

  9. OSU CFAES Shale Information for Landowners

    Since 2010, OSU Extension, the outreach arm of Ohio State University's College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences, has devoted a growing portion of its resources to work on shale energy issues. Landowners can go to http://shalegas.osu. ...

  10. Twi-light Field Crops Program

    Join us for an evening focused on exploring the future of drone use in agriculture, and also grain marketing at this time when the markets aren't what we'd like them to be. Supper will be provided compliments of Interstate Commodities of Thursto ...
