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  1. Asssessment of Management Practices on Soil Compaction in Ohio Soils

    A Graduate Defense Seminar by Tania D. Burgos Hernandez, MS Student in Soil Science, who will present Assessment of Management Practices on Soil Compaction in Ohio Soils in 333C Kottman Hall. ...

  2. Earth Day at ORWRP

    Spend Earth Day with the Sierra Club at the Wilma H. Schiermeier Olentangy River Wetland Research Park. Remove invasives, plant trees, and pickup trash throughout the park and along the river. Volunteers can sign up through the Green Columbus website at w ...

  3. An Assessment of Infant Eastern Cottontail Rehabilitation Success

    An Honors Thesis presentation will be made by Morgan Oberly (Stephen Matthews, advisor), titled An Assessment of Infant Eastern Cottontail Rehabilitation Success, in 370 Kottman Hall. ...

  4. 2015 OARDC Annual Research Conference

    Plan to attend the 2015 OARDC Annual Research Conference on Water Quality: Sustaining a Vital Resource. Participants will learn about the importance of watersheds and the "Field to Faucet" initiative. More information, along with the agenda and ...

  5. ODEE Impact Grant Makes a Difference

    Dr. Brian Lower and ODEE staff discuss the process of developing a digital peer-review tool for use at the School of Environment and Natural Resources' Poster Day 2014, which took place November 25, 2014 in the Ohio Union. The tool enables students f ...

  6. Why We Don't Believe Science: A Perspective From Decision Psychology

    This event will be held at the Byrd Polar Research Center, 108 Scott Hall, 1090 Carmark Rd. Individuals who wish to attend via the web should click here to register.  This event is part of the Climate Explorations series of events held during Fall 2014 an ...

  7. SENR Seminar Series

    The SENR Seminar Series welcomes Christopher Tonra, Assistant Professor, OSU School of Environment and Natural Resources, who will present Avian Ecology in the Context of the Full Annual Cycle. The SENR Seminar begins at 4:10 p.m in 164 Howlett Hall with ...

  8. Effects of N:P Ratio on Harmful Algal Blooms

    An Honors Thesis presentation will be made by Jim Palus (Lauren Pintor, advisor), titled Effects of N:P Ratio on Harmful Algal Blooms, in 460 Kottman Hall. ...

  9. Tri-lateral Partnership Addresses African Food Security

    Ohio State University has a long history of cultivating international relationships. CFAES' s Office of International Programs in Agriculture is forming a three-way partnership designed to bring together university expertise at Ohio State, Punjab Agr ...

  10. Coal Plant Byproduct, If Spread on Farms, Could Fight Lake Erie Algae

    An Ohio State University scientist says an abundant byproduct from coal-burning power plants, if spread on farmers’ fields, could help control Lake Erie’s harmful algal blooms.    ...
