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  1. ORWRP Outreach Acitivities Guidelines and Information

    The Schiermeier Olentangy River Wetland Research Park (ORWRP) Heffner Wetland Research and Education Building Room Reservation Policy for Outreach Events Reservation requests must be made at least 30 days prior to the intended use date. USE CONDITIONS App ...

  2. Go Green, Go Buckeye!

    Go Green, Go Buckeye! is an annual event to welcome SENR's newly admitted incoming freshman class. Please contact Esther Dwyer if you have any questions. ...

  3. Fertilizer Applicator Certification Training in Ada

    Agricultural fertilizer applicator certification is now required for farmers who apply fertilizer to more than 50 acres of agricultural production grown primarily for sale. This requirement was signed into law in June 2014, and also requires certification ...

  4. Hardin County Cattle Producers Beef Banquet


  5. Hardin County Sheep Improvement Association Lamb Banquet


  6. Hardin County First Annual Horse Banquet


  7. Hardin County Pork Producers Banquet


  8. Ohio Pond News Archive

    Ohio Pond News Archive Your Pond Update for Winter 2014 The following Ohio Pond News were written by Bill Lynch, former Program Specialist in Aquatic Ecosystem Management. Winter 2011  Volume 10, Issue 1 Winter 2010  Volume 9, Issue 1 Spring 2010  Volume ...

  9. Long-term Effects of Repeated Prescribed Burning on Tree Growth and Drought Vulnerability in Red Pine Forests in Northern Minnesota

    The 2014-2015 Webinar Series as sponsored by the Lake States Fire Science Consortium welcomes Alessandra Bottero, NE CSC Postdoctoral Fellow & Research Associate, University of Minnesota. Bottero will present Long-term Effects of Repeated Prescribed B ...

  10. Conservation of Coral Reefs in the Context of Global Change

    Attend a special seminar by Dr. Anastazia Banaszak, Research Professor at the University of Mexico.  Dr. Banaszak specializes in larval recruitment of endangered coral species in the Caribbean.  Please join us for her talk Conservation of Coral Reefs in t ...
