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  1. Analysis of Soils and Landform Properties for Description of Plague Disease Ecology in West Usambara Mountains, Tanzania

    PhD candidate, Boniface Hussein John Massawe, will present his Doctoral Scholarly Seminar in 333C Kottman Hall with a video link to 123 Williams Hall. His presentation is titled Analysis of Soils and Landform Properties for Description of Plague Disease E ...

  2. Dairy Association Meeting- Canceled Today Due To Weather. Rescheduled for February 9th at 12 Noon


  3. map for scheirmeier


  4. Good Agricultural Practices/Produce Safety Class Offered

    A Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs) class has been planned for Hardin County.  GAPs classes are training sessions for fruit and vegetable producers taught by personnel from Ohio State University’s Fruit and Vegetable Safety Program.  The February 10 prog ...

  5. Departure Decisions and Movement Behavior of Migratory Songbirds During Stopover

    An ENR Graduate Defense Seminar will be presented by Bryant C. Dossman, Masters student in the Fisheries and Wildlife Science specialization area. His presentation will be Departure Decisions and Movement Behavior of Migratory Songbirds During Stopover. T ...

  6. 4-H Junior Camp Registrations Due


  7. Antarctic Ice Sheet Evoluation and the Earth Climate

    The Byrd Polar and Climate Research Center Winter Seminar welcomes Flavio Justino, Universidade Federal de Vicosa, who will present Antarctic Ice Sheet Evolution and the Earth Climate. This seminar will begin at 3:30 p.m. at the Byrd Polar Learning Center ...

  8. CARTeens


  9. Junior Leaders Meeting


  10. Senior Fair Board Meeting

