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Short Course, OFA- The Association of Floriculture Professionals, Columbus
Plant Disease Diagnostics (PLNTPTH 5685) July 10-19
Agronomy Field Day, South Charleston, Ohio
Northeast Ohio Lawncare Seminar, OARDC Fisher Auditorium, Wooster
Fruit and Vegetable Safety Training, OSU South Centers, Piketon
A Taste of Science Tempts Buckeye Students
Ohio State's Department of Food Science and Technology, in the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences, entices students to learn the science of food. From "Chocolate Science" to "Wine and Beer in Western Culture,&quo ...
Multi-Disciplinary Collaborations
USDA ARS Corn, Soybean and Wheat Quality Research Unit USDA Agricultural Research Service scientists located at OARDC- Wooster investigate issues pertaining to corn, soybean and wheat production. USDA-ARS plant pathologists, located in Selby Hall, focus ...
Archive 2000-2005
Dong, Xiaoyun 2005 PhD Plant Pathology (Plant Molecular Biology and Biotechnology) Functional investigation of Arabidopsis culture synthase and the signal transduction pathway. Advisor: D. Verma. Huitema, Edgar 2005 PhD Plant Pathology Determinants ...
Wheat Field Day, Northwest Agricultural Research Station, Custar
Independence Day, no classes, university offices closed