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  1. Holiday

    The Ohio State University and all OSU Extension offices are closed. ...

  2. Tech News

    Webinars Direct Marketing Horticulutre Business Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque a sem dolor. Donec mattis libero quis augue scelerisque feugiat. Nullam facilisis erat sed mi molestie, ac tincidunt est viverra. Quisque ...

  3. Storm Cleanup Good Opportunity to Check for Emerald Ash Borer

    October 3, 2008 COLUMBUS, Ohio€ Ongoing cleanup of tree debris following the September windstorm that swept through Ohio can be a good opportunity for property owners and arborists to check ash trees for possible signs of emerald ash borer (EAB). An inva ...

  4. Brazilian Researcher Visits OARDC to Discuss Bio-energy Collaborations

    June 15, 2007 WOOSTER, Ohio € Brazil is an international leader in the production of biofuels from crops. Ohio State University has a widely recognized crop breeding and biotechnology program and is leading efforts in the state to develop renewable fuels ...

  5. Chow Line: Whats in a cheese? Just look at label (for 7/10/05)

    July 1, 2005 Whats in a cheese? Just look at label I noticed it says natural cheese on the label of my favorite cheese. Isnt all cheese natural? It all depends on your definition. In the world of cheese, the word “natural differentiates your favorite che ...

  6. Farm Safety Round-Ups Celebrate 10 Years

    April 2, 2007 Editor: A logo for the 2007 Round-Ups is available online or by contacting Martha Filipic at COLUMBUS, Ohio-- Every year across the nation, more than 100 children die and more than 24,000 youth experience serious injury as ...

  7. First Grain Bin Rescue Tube for Public Use Donated to Farm Science Review

    September 20, 2010 LONDON, Ohio – Rescue tubes are a necessary piece of emergency equipment when rescuing someone in an on-farm grain bin accident. The first grain rescue tube developed for public use 28 years ago will be donated to Farm Science Re ...

  8. Flagpole at Muck Crops Station Honors Memory of Local Grower

    June 28, 2010 CELERYVILLE, Ohio A flagpole erected at the Muck Crops Agricultural Research Station, south of Willard in Huron County, Ohio, carries a special meaning for growers who raise vegetables in the areas fertile black soils. The flagpole was dedic ...

  9. How Birds Help Our Gardens: Ohio Classic Available for Preorder

    May 13, 2009 WOOSTER, Ohio € Red Bird, Green Bird: How Birds Help Us Grow Healthy Gardens € a retitled, completely reset edition of the 1912 classic Some Ohio Birds by Harry A. Gossard and Scott G. Harry€ is available for preorder from the Ohio Agricul ...

  10. It's Tick Season. Learn to Keep Yourself, Children and Pets Safe

    August 12, 2010 COLUMBUS, Ohio  Summer is the time for outdoors: walks through the local parks, hiking or camping at one of Ohios many state parks, or spending time along wooded areas near home. But getting close to nature could mean picking up unwanted g ...
