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Search results

  1. 4-H Cloverbots

    Have fun learning about the importance of water while working as part of a team. Best of all, you will build a working model with LEGOS and have the chance to go to the Ohio 4-H Cloverbot Challenge in Columbus. Call to sign up- this program is limited to ...

  2. Volume 12 Issue 5


  3. Quality Assurance Testing


  4. Cloverbud Reading Adventures

    At each session we will read a different children's book and participate in crafts, games, and other activities to go along with the story. At the end of each program, everyone gets to pick out a free book to take home. We will have refreshments at t ...

  5. Rabbit Clinic


  6. Spotted Wing Drosophila Monitoring and Management Webinar

    Celeste Welty, Dept. of Entomology, State Specialist and Jim Jasinski, Dept. of Extension, IPM Program will be offering a 90 minute webinar on spotted wing Drosophila (SWD), a relatively new pest in Ohio that attacks blackberries, raspberries, blueberries ...

  7. Broiler Pickup


  8. 4-H Junior Camp at Camp Ohio

    4-H Junior Camp at Camp Ohio will be July 21-25, 2015. Registration information and scholarship applications will be sent to all age-eligible members in May. 4-H Junior Camp Letter and Information (2 pages) Ashland County 4-H Junior Camp Registration due ...

  9. Cloverbud Fun Days

    Cloverbuds will receive registration information in late May. 4-H Cloverbud Day Camp Registration Form (2 pages) Click here for more information on upcoming Cloverbud Activities! ...

  10. Live Healthy, Live Well Recipes

    Recipes Kale Chips     Roasted Brussel Sprouts       ...
