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Chow Line: Peppermint could ease pain in gut (for 5/8/11)
April 29, 2011 I suffer from irritable bowel syndrome. I heard that peppermint might help ease my symptoms, but it sounds like folklore to me. How true is it? Start steeping the peppermint tea. According to recent research, peppermint really could help ea ...
Under Pressure... and That's Good; Food Science Pioneer Honored
April 29, 2011 COLUMBUS, Ohio — Ohio State University scientist V.M. Balasubramaniam yesterday (4/28) received the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center’s (OARDC) 2011 Distinguished Junior Faculty Research Award. The award honors outstanding a ...
OARDC Honors Grad Student, Postdoc, Staff Research
April 29, 2011 COLUMBUS, Ohio-- The Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC) has announced the winners of its 2011 Research Project Poster Competition, held yesterday (4/28) during the center’s Annual Research Conference in Columbus. The ...
Plant Disease Grad Student Wins OARDC Krauss Award
April 29, 2011 COLUMBUS, Ohio — Alissa Kriss, a doctoral student in Ohio State University’s Department of Plant Pathology, yesterday (4/28) received the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center’s (OARDC) William E. Krauss Director’s Award for Exc ...
High-tech Rain Garden Nets OARDC Innovator Award
April 29, 2011 COLUMBUS, Ohio — A four-member team of current and former Ohio State University scientists yesterday (4/28) received the 2011 Director’s Innovator of the Year Award from the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC). The awa ...
Saturated Soils Could Pose Risk to Well Water
April 28, 2011 COLUMBUS, Ohio-- Heavy rains mean more than an increased risk of flooding. They also can pose a threat to drinking water, said Ohio State University Extension 's water quality specialist. Many residents in rural areas get their drinkin ...
Correction: How to Spot, Stop Invasive Species: May 13 Workshop
April 24, 2011 Note: A previous version of this story gave an incorrect street address for Cox Arboretum MetroPark. The address has been corrected in this version. DAYTON, Ohio-- You may have invasive species on your land and not even know it. Learn about ...
Media Advisory: Chancellor Petro to Speak at OARDC Annual Conference Tomorrow (4/28) in Columbus
April 27, 2011 COLUMBUS, Ohio-- Ohio Board of Regents Chancellor Jim Petro will speak tomorrow (4/28) at the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center ’s (OARDC) annual conference, to be held at the Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center, 220 ...
Researcher Targets Widespread Respiratory Virus
April 26, 2011 COLUMBUS, Ohio-- Thanks to a total of $2.6 million in funding from the National Institutes of Health and the U.S. Department of Agriculture National Research Initiative, an Ohio State University researcher is helping crack the code that cou ...
Tree, Shrub, Herb Lists Posted for May 7 Secrest Plant Sale
April 26, 2011 WOOSTER, Ohio-- Complete lists of the trees, shrubs and herbs to be sold at Secrest Arboretum’s May 7 Plant Discovery Day have been posted on the arboretum’s website, Click on “18 th Annual Plant Discovery Day” und ...