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  1. Volunteer Training


  2. How The Nature Conservancy's In-Lieu Fee Mitigation Program is Working to Raise the Bar

    This presentation will provide details regarding TNC’s ILF program and discuss ways in which the water resource community can be involved   The Clean Water Act operates on a principle of “no net loss” to our nation’s streams and wetlands. This requires th ...

  3. Spring Break Science Camp- FULL

    Spring Break Science Camp- Kitchen Chemistry Amaze your friends by performing scientific experiments with supplies you have in your kitchen. Lots of hands-on fun! To be held at the Ashland County Extension Office, 1763 State Route 60, Ashland. Lunch is in ...

  4. DEADLINE to add, change projects, horse registrations/lease forms


  5. 4-H Enrollment Forms due for Fair Participation!!!


  6. Tractor Safety Certification Meeting


  7. 4-H Poultry Committee


  8. Cuyahoga Area of Concern

    Cuyahoga River Summit, Cuyahoga Ted Conlin AOC Coordinator, Ashtabula, Black, and Cuyahoga rivers Ohio EPA Ohio EPA, Northeast District Office 2110 East Aurora Rd Twinsburg, OH 44087 330-963-1131 The Cuya ...

  9. Know Your Well Water

    Wondering if your well water is safe?  A good first step is to have your water tested at a certified lab, but lab test results are not always easy to interpret.  To help you out, OSU Extension has created this website to help drinking water well owners te ...

  10. Annual Spring Plant Sale

    The Greene County Master Gardeners' Annual Spring Plant Sale will be held at: Memorial United Presbyterian Church 343 West Ankeney Mill Rd Xenia, OH 45385 For event details, click here. ...
