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  1. SENR Seminar Series- Unraveling the impacts of anthropogenic hazards to nocturnally-migrating birds

    The School of Environment and Natural Resources (SENR) Seminar Series  welcomes Jeff Buler, professor of Wildlife Ecology, Department of Entomology and Wildlife Ecology at the University of Delaware who will present "Unraveling the impacts of anthrop ...

  2. Ippolito Research Team

    Jim Ippolito Rattan Lal Endowed Professor of Soil Health and Soil Fertility within SENR Jim has 30+ years of experience focused on soil health across numerous ecosystems.  Jim also works with land application of biosolids, biochar, manure, water treatment ...

  3. Poinsettia, Cut & Live Christmas Tree Care

    Informational Flyer ...

  4. SENR Seminar Series- The role of Science & Scientists in the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill

    The SENR Seminar Series welcomes Abigail André, who will present "The role of Science & Scientists in the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill" at 4:00 p.m. in room 103 Kottman Hall or via Zoom.  ...

  5. Thanksgiving, Christmas & Easter Cactus Extravaganza

    Informational Flyer ...

  6. Poinsettia, Cut & Live Christmas Tree Care

    Informational Flyer ...

  7. Economic Impact of Intel’s Investment in Ohio: Lessons from Chandler, Arizona


  8. SENR Career Ambassadors

    Program Information SENR Career Ambassadors are student volunteers who have completed hands-on learning experiences such as internships, research, or jobs related to their degrees. Career Ambassadors will serve as role models for experiential learning and ...

  9. Response of Soils and Crops to Gypsum Application in Ohio


  10. Updated Field Guide on Aquatic Invasive Species available

    Natural resource managers, outdoor enthusiasts and volunteers can play a role in stopping and slowing the spread of invasive species.  The second edition of the Ohio Field Guide to Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) is now available on-line and in print to he ...
