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  1. Big Creek Connects

    Big Creek Cuyahoga Bob Gardin Executive Director 4352 Pearl Road Cleveland, OH 44109 (216) 269-6472 (mobile) (216) 661-7706 (office) Big Creek Connects, formerly Friends of Big Creek, since 2005 has be ...

  2. Quality Assurance

    2015 4-H Quality Assurance  Requirements  All exhibitors who wish to exhibit market steers (including baby beef), market lambs, market hogs, market goats, market poultry (broilers and turkeys), lactating dairy cattle and lactating goats at the fair must s ...

  3. 4-H Poultry Committe


  4. Baby Beef Organization Meeting


  5. Last day to sign up for "Jars" FCS Workshop on Saturday, January 24


  6. Farm Forum Meeting

    Auditor David Graham Shares CAUV Update        Greene Co. Auditor David Graham will share the latest information on the Current Agriculture Use Value (CAUV) tax program at the Monday Jan. 26 meeting of Greene Co. Farm Forum. The meeting will be held at Un ...

  7. 4-H Market Beef Weigh-In

    Each 4-H and FFA member that will be showing a market beef animal in the 2016 will be required to attend this event. Letters will be sent out early November to all 2015 exhibitors. ...

  8. 4-H CARTEENs

    The "Car" in CARTEENS stands for "Caution and Responsibility", and "Teens" refers to the teenagers who help prepare and present the program. In the CARTEENS program, 4-H teen leaders teach traffic education safety programs to ...

  9. 4-H CARTEENs

    The "Car" in CARTEENS stands for "Caution and Responsibility", and "Teens" refers to the teenagers who help prepare and present the program. In the CARTEENS program, 4-H teen leaders teach traffic education safety programs to ...

  10. 4-H CARTEENs

    The "Car" in CARTEENS stands for "Caution and Responsibility", and "Teens" refers to the teenagers who help prepare and present the program. In the CARTEENS program, 4-H teen leaders teach traffic education safety programs to ...
