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  1. World's foremost Immigration scholars discuss leading issues


  2. AEDE Faculty and Graduate Students Participate in 2011 NARSC conference in Miami


  3. Sheldon participates in panel discussion at Ohio Wesleyan's Economic Outlook Conference


  4. Volume 10 Issue 7


  5. Ohio Beef Cattle School

    The primary themes that will be discussed in the 2015 Ohio Beef Cattle School will include “Sustainable Beef Production”, “Beef Animal Handling and Facility Design”, “Manure Management and Fertilizer Application Issues for Beef Producers”, “Future of Anti ...

  6. Ohio Beef Cattle School

    The primary themes that will be discussed in the 2015 Ohio Beef Cattle School will include “Sustainable Beef Production”, “Beef Animal Handling and Facility Design”, “Manure Management and Fertilizer Application Issues for Beef Producers”, “Future of Anti ...

  7. Agricultural Economics among 10 college majors with lowest unemployment rates


  8. 4-H Officer Training

    Sessions offered include: President/Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, News Reporter, Health Officer/Safety Officer, Recreation, and Historian. Parents and Advisors are invited to attend the break-outs with their 4-H members. An Officer Induction Cerem ...

  9. 4-H Club Advisor Update Meeting

    This training will contain county and state updates at 7:00 pm including the new state required Child Abuse and Neglect Training. This will be followed by a choice of two break-outs: Livestock Education for 4-H Projects; or Occasional Quantity Cooks Train ...

  10. Communiqué July 9, 2014

    Contents Commons Creating – A Leadership Skill Director's Internal Advisory Committee OSUE Administrative Cabinet Recognition You Can Make a Difference at the 2014 Annual Extension Conference – Get Ready to Submit a Poster or Presentation Ohio State ...
