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  1. Fall Color Change in Ohio


  2. Schedule an Appointment

    Academic Advising Appointments The CFAES Academic Programs Office hosts two College Academic Counselors that assist undergraduate students currently enrolled, or interested in, any of the majors offered by the college-except- for programs offered in the S ...

  3. Marketing and Promotion of Nutrition Incentives


  4. Management of Nutrition Incentives at Farmers Markets


  5. Master Schedule of Course Offerings- Columbus Campus

    The Office for Teaching, Learning, and Assessment oversees the Master Schedule of Course Offerings for the nine units in the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences on the Columbus Campus.          Master Scheduling Resource Page Schedul ...

  6. Sustainable Agriculture

    At its core, Sustainable Agriculture is about working, managing, or owning an agricultural enterprise that is part of an integrated system of people, organizations, plants, animals, soils, and other natural resources that are part of an agricultural ecosy ...

  7. Learning Support

    In order to help you succeed academically, there are a number of services available for whatever you may need assistance with.  Clinical Counseling Disability Services Mathematics and Statistics Learning Center Student Advocacy Tutoring ​Writing Center Yo ...

  8. Advisors

      College Academic Counselors The College Academic Counselors Paul Heimberger  and  Ben Carignan  work full-time assisting students with the following: Declaring a new Major or Minor Academic Opportunities Campus Support Services General Education Require ...

  9. Selecting, Storing, and Serving Ohio Peaches


  10. Hot Water and Chlorine Treatments to Eradicate Bacterial Plant Pathogens from Vegetable Seeds

