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Is All Space Created Equal? Uncovering the Relationship between Competing Land Uses in Subdivisions
Valuing Open Space in a Residential Sorting Model of the Twin Cities
The Role of Theoretical Restrictions in Forecasting with Inverse Demand Models
U.S. Regional Poverty Post-2000: The Lost Decade
Higher education as a portfolio investment: students' choices about studying, term time employment, leisure, and loans
A Taste of Science Tempts Buckeye Students
Ohio State's Department of Food Science and Technology, in the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences, entices students to learn the science of food. From "Chocolate Science" to "Wine and Beer in Western Culture,&quo ...
Geographic Analysis of Poverty- Growth and Inequality in Developing Countries
2013 Ohio Enterprise Budget- Alfalfa Haylage
2013 Ohio Enterprise Budget- Alfalfa Hay Production
The Diversity of Rural America: A Tale of Many 'Cities'