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Sassy Shay’s Twisted Mac & Eatz will be on campus TODAY, 11am – 1pm
Visit Sassy Shay's Twisted Mac and Eatz today for mac and cheese, burgers, and more! ...
SAC Closed Today and Tomorrow
The Student Activities Center will be closed Wednesday and Thursday this week due to Orientation. ...
June 5, 2024
Industrial Technician Certificates
Ohio State ATI offers courses and certificate programs designed to build the skills of industrial and manufacturing technicians. Developed with industry input to ensure relevance and effectiveness, these courses emphasize practical application and problem ...
Darke County Junior Fair
If you have any questions related to Darke County Junior Fair events or activities, please send an email to This is the quickest and easiest way to get a response. Thank you for your patience! The Great Darke County Fair has a r ...
Secrest Garden Fair
Over 40 juried artists and crafters will be featured in the third annual Secrest Garden Fair. The free event will be held Saturday, June 8, 2024. ...
Horse Specialization
Animal Sciences- Horse Specialization majors pursue an Associate of Science degree which allows them to gain hands-on experience prior to finishing a Bachelor of Science degree program in Columbus. The program in Wooster enables students to complete appro ...
ATI Advisor List
Advisor / Program Coordinator List ATI Program Coordinators D0884 Horticultural Technologies Dr. Jon Witter, Interim Chair GHNRMGT-AA Greenhouse and Nursery Management Dr. Uttara Samarakoon TUFGMGT-AA Turfgrass Mana ...
Important Dates Calendar (ATI)
Major course sequences are updated each academic year and are provided as a guide for scheduling courses. Students are encouraged to meet with their academic advisor, register for courses as soon as their appointment begins, and run a degree audit each s ...