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  1. Corn Disease Management in Ohio, Bulletin 804

    Corn Disease Management in Ohio, Bulletin 804.  Five to 15 percent of Ohio's corn crop is lost to disease each year, amounting to nearly $100 million in lost farm income. Corn diseases include seedling diseases, leaf blights, stalk rots, ear and kern ...

  2. Profitable Soybean Cultural Practices, Bulletin 918

    Profitable Soybean Cultural Practices, Bulletin 918. This bulletin focuses on management practices for Ohio soybean production. Suggestions on topics such as growth and development, crop rotation, tillage practices, planting varieties, nutrient management ...

  3. Managing Soybean Rust, Bulletin SR2008

    Managing Soybean Rust, Bulletin SR2008.  Publication covers specifics of soybean rust identification and  management. General section of the publication cover the use of fungicide sin general for disease control including description of products and their ...

  4. Improving Wheat Profits in Ohio, Bulletin 938

    Improving Wheat Profits in Ohio, Bulletin 938.  This bulletin provides an up-to-date description of products and practices that reduce production costs and increase wheat yields and profits. Each topic follows a "bolt & nut approach'' t ...

  5. Wheat Disease Management in Ohio, Bulletin 785

    Wheat Disease Management in Ohio, Bulletin 785. Effective disease management requires knowledge of the important yield-limiting diseases most likely to occur in Ohio. This bulletin addresses the essential components of the disease symptoms with color imag ...

  6. County Avian Flu News Releases

    These are the news releases from the 2015 ban on live birds; however information may still be helpful when planning educational poultry events/activities in counties.  Please check out this page for various county news releases to help share ideas. Adams ...

  7. County Exhibition Alternative Documents

    These alternative poultry ideas were provided during the 2015 ban of live birds; however information may still be helpful when planning educational poultry events/activities in counties. Ashtabula County Auglaize Jr. Fair Brown County Clark County Jr. Fai ...

  8. 2015-09


  9. 2015-08


  10. 2015-07

