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  1. County Avian Flu News Releases

    These are the news releases from the 2015 ban on live birds; however information may still be helpful when planning educational poultry events/activities in counties.  Please check out this page for various county news releases to help share ideas. Adams ...

  2. County Exhibition Alternative Documents

    These alternative poultry ideas were provided during the 2015 ban of live birds; however information may still be helpful when planning educational poultry events/activities in counties. Ashtabula County Auglaize Jr. Fair Brown County Clark County Jr. Fai ...

  3. 2015-09


  4. 2015-08


  5. 2015-07


  6. 2015-06


  7. Last Corn, Soybean and Wheat Connection of the Season

    Our last Corn, Soybean and Wheat Connection program of the winter months is March 10 on the Agronomic Utilization of Manure Can Manure Sourced Nutrients be used to Meet Crop Need? Greg LaBarge, Field Specialist-Agronomic Systems, OSUE Alternative Applicat ...

  8. 2015-05


  9. 2015-04


  10. Warm days make me think of spring, or how to avoid diseases losses in 2015

    My dog, Lily, and I were dodging ice patches on our nightly walk this week and could finally sense a hint of spring.  It is time to start getting ready for the field season.  As I look back over my data and pictures of wipe outs in Ohio, the biggest losse ...
