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  1. Building 10

    Wayne County 4-H Building 10 Department Still, FCS, and Small Animal Projects   Early Project Judging: July 8, 2025, from 6-9 p.m. at the Wayne County Fair Event Center Look up your Project Name / Number and Judge Number / Category to be used when signing ...

  2. Animals / Livestock

    4-H / Jr. Fair Project Areas Beef Building 10 Dairy Dogs Goats Horses Poultry Rabbits Sheep Swine Quality Assurance Skillathon Clinic & QA Flyer  Outstanding Exhibitor Livestock Project Book Pages to be Graded   2024 Animals / Livestock Requirements M ...

  3. Rabbits

    Wayne County 4-H Rabbit Department Things To Consider Before Taking A RAbbit Project Think about how much space is required to house the rabbit projects you're considering.  Do you have enough physical space and the proper shelter?  Are you aware of ...

  4. Poultry

    Wayne County 4-H Poultry Department Things to Consider Before Taking a Poultry Project Think about how much space is required to house the poultry projects you're considering.  Do you have enough physical space and the proper shelter?  Are you aware ...

  5. Goats

    Wayne County 4-H Goat Department Things To Consider Before Taking A Goat Project Think about how much space is required to house goats.  Do you have enough physical space and the proper shelter?  Are you aware of feed costs and and have you budgeted for t ...

  6. Dairy

    Wayne County 4-H Dairy Department Things To Consider Before Taking a Dairy Project Think about how much space is required to house a Dairy Heifer Calf or Dairy Cow.  Do you have enough physical space and the proper shelter?  Are you aware of feed costs an ...

  7. Dr. Logan Minter

    Dr. Logan Minter Statewide Field Specialist/ Associate Professor, Extension in Specialty Crops Room 136 Research and Extension Bldg. The Ohio State University South Centers, Piketon Dr. Logan Minter grew up in rural Pike County, Ohio and ...

  8. Commodity Marketing School

    Commodity Marketing School January 29th 9:00am- 3:00pm, registration begins at 8:30am Secrest Welcome & Education Center, 2122 Williams Rd., Wooster, OH 44691 $20 Call 330-264-8722 to register. Payment can be made at time of event. The Commodity Marke ...

  9. Advisor Resources

    Club Management Resources To assist our club advisors and other volunteers with the work of managing clubs, members, and families, we are providing the following resources. Chartering Checklist: This checklist is required when a club is first established ...

  10. Advisor/Club Information

    New Advisor Packet must be completed and returned to our office. Also, enter your profile into the 4-H Online system as a club volunteer. Advisor Update Meetings 2025: ALL 4-H Club advisors must attend one Advisor Update Meeting. Regis ter for Advisor Upd ...
