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Search results

  1. "Opening Doors to Success" Small Farm Conference and Trade Show

    This intensive conference will give you the opportunity to choose from different seminars taught by Extension professionals and industry leaders on a wide variety of agricultural enterprises.  Friday, March 13 we have three hands-on “In the Field” worksho ...

  2. Fair Use in Research and Education

    To all OSU faculty, staff, and students, do you use copyrighted materials from third party sources in your teaching or research publications? Join the Copyright Resources Center in Thompson Library, Room 150A/B to learn how to use copyrighted material con ...

  3. Soil Science Minor

    A minor in Soil Resources is useful for students majoring in agriculture who plan to seek employment in areas of agricultural production, marketing, management, and conservation, i.e., areas in which decision-making requires a basic understanding of soils ...

  4. Sustainable Agriculture Minor

      The minor in Sustainable Agriculture introduces the students to several dimensions of sustainable agriculture.  The two required courses challenge the student to think synthetically about the production/environmental, social, and economic dimensions of ...

  5. Plat Books

    The 2015 PLAT book will be available beginning April 7th. They sell for $25.00 and checks can be made out to OSU Extension. The office is open Monday- Friday 8:00-4:30pm.  Sales of the book benefit the Seneca Co 4-H program. ...

  6. Farm Forum Meeting

           The Feb. 23 Greene Co. Farm Forum meeting will focus on farm safety and will include a tour of the New Jasper Fire Dept.?s Farm Rescue Trailer and Grain Rescue Equipment. Those wanting to eat a meal as part of the program need to contact Paul Ayres ...

  7. News


  8. ORWRP Outreach Acitivities Guidelines and Information

    The Schiermeier Olentangy River Wetland Research Park (ORWRP) Heffner Wetland Research and Education Building Room Reservation Policy for Outreach Events Reservation requests must be made at least 30 days prior to the intended use date. USE CONDITIONS App ...

  9. Handbook Corrections

    There is a link in the 4-H page under forms with the corrections for the new handbook.  Emails were also sent to advisors.  If you did not get an email we are working to get all the corrected/new email addresses in and will be done shortly.  If you have a ...

  10. Go Green, Go Buckeye!

    Go Green, Go Buckeye! is an annual event to welcome SENR's newly admitted incoming freshman class. Please contact Esther Dwyer if you have any questions. ...
