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Commodity Futures and Options Markets
AEDECON 3114 This course covers the relevant aspects of the futures and options and underlying cash markets focusing mostly on physical commodities but also on financial instruments such as treasuries and equity securities. Prereq: 2001 or Econ 2001.01 or ...
Environment, Economy, Development and Sustainability (EEDS)
Environment, Economy, Development and Sustainability (EEDS) Major This multi-disciplinary and cutting-edge degree program focuses on the human, economic and environmental dimensions of sustainability. It provides the core knowledge and skills students nee ...
AEDE Welcomes Assistant Professor Alexis Villacis
The Department of Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics (AEDE) is excited to welcome our newest faculty member, Assistant Professor Alexis Villacis. Dr. Villacis earned his Ph.D. in Agricultural and Applied Economics from Virginia Tech, a ...
Alexis H. Villacis
Alexis H. Villacis Assistant Professor 614-292-6797 323 Ag Admin Building 2120 Fyffe Rd PhD, Agricultural and Applied Economics, Virginia Tech, 2020 MS, Agricultural Economics, Purdue University, 2012 BS, Agribusi ...
Farm Science Review
Farm Science Review Visit with AEDE faculty and staff at the 2024 Farm Science Review. Ask the Expert tent at the corner of Kottman and Friday Avenue (across from the Firebaugh building) Farm Margins: Prospects and Coping Strategies for Lean Times Ahead ...
Agricultural Finance
AEDECON 8202 This course will focus on the application of financial theories to agricultural economics. Topics include asset pricing, capital structure, capital budgeting, risk, financial stress, and financial institutions. Prereq: 7140, Econ 8714, and 87 ...
Seminal Readings in Applied Economics
AEDECON 8103 This course introduces students to seminal readings in the fields of Agricultural, Environmental, Development and Regional Economics. Students are introduced to a set of seminal readings in each field and are introduced to the critical skills ...
PhD Research Seminar
AEDECON 8895 PhD Students presenting and discussing research in agricultural, environmental, and development economics under the guidance of an instructor. Repeatable to a maximum of 10 cr hrs or 10 completions. This course is graded S/U. Graduate 1.0 889 ...
Energy, the Environment, and the Economy
AEDECON 4320 Understand the role of energy in the economy and the environment. Explore the economics of clean, renewable energy, and understand the different policies for pollution control. Prereq: 2001 (200), Econ 2001.01, 2001.02, or 2001.03 (200). Not ...
(Speaker Series) Contemporary Differences in U.S. Farm Financial Performance by Race: Does Farm Size Matter?
What are the similarities and differences across farms operated by producers of different races? This talk examines whether farm financial performance differs among farms operated by White, Black, and Native American producers. Black and Native American f ...