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Wayne County 4-H Beef Department Things to consider before taking a beef project Think about how much space is required to house a Beef feeder calf and/or steer. Do you have enough physical space and the proper shelter? Are you aware of feed costs and a ...
Wayne County 4-H Horse Department Things to Consider Before Taking A Horse Project Think about how much space is required to house a horse or pony. Do you have enough physical space and the proper shelter or are you able to board the animal somewhere? A ...
"You get what you focus on." -Vannoy & Ross As a leader it is important to know what talents you possess, that you bring to the leadership table. Do you know what strengths you possess? Every leader possesses her/his own unique set of tale ...
Engaging Multiple Voices and Ideas- Effective Facilitation
Have you ever left a meeting where the group’s decision still didn’t feel right or where everyone still wasn’t on the same page? This training will provide you techniques for helping groups work through thinking and decision making of important ideas and ...
Applying Your Personality Type to Build Your Leadership Skills
Moving from recognizing and understanding to appreciating and effectively using differences is a challenge because we all have a natural bias for our own way of seeing things and making decisions. It can be hard to recognize our own biases, especially whe ...
Garth Ruff
Garth Ruff Field Specialist, Beef Cattle Beef Cattle Southeast Region Extension Office 740-651-7140 Garth was appointed to this position in July 2020. Ruff has served as the Extension educator for agriculture and natural resources in Henry ...
Lesson In Life Skills: How To Teach or Model Gratitude For Children
One of the qualities of a pleasant culture is one where gratitude is constantly present ...
Making Hay and Making It Last- Some Best Practice Tips for Farmers
We may luck out and get one of our intended cuttings “made right”, but it is rare to have the perfect hay season ...
Certified Crop Adviser Exam Preparation Class
Individuals looking to become a Certified Crop Adviser (CCA) should consider attending the Ohio CCA Pre-Exam Preparation Class offered by Ohio State University Extension. The session will be January 7-8, 2025, at the Shelby County Ag Building, 810-820 Fai ...
Episode 4 of Green Fields Green Dollars to dive into Nitrogen economics
Episode 4 of OSU Extension’s Green Fields Green Dollars series is now live on YouTube! The newest episode of the series features Greg LaBarge, field specialist in agronomic systems, who talks with Rachel and Clint about Nitrogen timing and economics. They ...