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  1. COSI Sustainability Series: In Organic We Trust

    Sustainability Series: Environmental Film Screenings at COSI In Organic We Trust  is an eye-opening food documentary that follows director and producer Kip Pastor on a personal journey to clear up misconceptions about organic food while highlighting pract ...

  2. Carterville Fish and Wildlife Job Opportunities

      The following jobs are for the Carterville Fish and Wildlife Conservation Office and our new satellite office and will be located in Wilmington or Marion Illinois (Candidates can apply for either or both- depending on the position). The jobs will be wor ...

  3. Schreiber Industry Information Session

    Schreiber is coming for an Industry Information visit. They will talk about their company as well as internship and job opportuntiies. Dinner is served at 6:00 pm and the information session will start at 6:15 pm in Parker 118. ...

  4. EEOB Fall 2014 Seminar Series

    Graduate students will present short talks for this EEOB Fall Seminar in Jennings 001. ...

  5. EEOB Fall 2014 Seminar Series

    The EEOB Fall Seminar Series welcomes Brice Noonan, University of Mississippi, in Jennings 001. ...

  6. Grazing Basics: How Grazing Can Work for You

    Grazing Basics is designed for those new to grazing livestock, as well as offer more in depth information to the more experienced grazier. ...

  7. Seminars: Kathleen Cole, Ashlee Dietz

    Bacterial Counts in Composted and Fresh Recycled Dairy Manure Bedding; Effects of Cu, Zn and Mn on bovine neutrophil function ...

  8. SENR Express Services

    210 Kottman Hall You can get help with the following during our Express Services hours: Internship Course Registration, Resume Questions, Internship Requirement Questions, Hireabuckeye Help, Scheduling, Adding or Dropping a Class, Prerequisite Concerns, G ...

  9. A Night for Young Professionals

    The Agricultural Communicators of Tomorrow (ACT) invites you to attend A Night for Young Professionals on Wednesday, October 15 from 5:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center. A Night for Young Professionals is a FREE evening to learn the “tr ...

  10. Vice President's Summit: Conversations on the Future of Extension

    Celebrating the significant accomplishments and deep impact that OSU Extension has had on communities and in the lives of Ohioans provides a great springboard for the future. A significant component of Ohio’s celebration in 2014 will be a year-long proces ...
