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  1. 4-H Presentation, Marketing & Job Interview Contests

    Link to guidelines and sample scoresheets for all of these contests 4-H members who participate in public speaking contests gain many valuable life skills!  This is also a great project activity as it allows members to share the knowledge that they have g ...

  2. Hoof Trimming for Cattle

    Bring as many cattle as you would like. There will be a fee charged per head. Contact Charlie if you have questions ...

  3. Drive-thru Chicken BBQ

    The Hancock County Sheep Improvement Association sponsors this event with the proceeds going to support youth scholarships and awards. Tickets are $8 for a half-chicken, two sides (green beans & potatoes au gratin), roll, drink & a cookie. Link to ...

  4. State Fair Orientation for Hancock 4-H Representatives

    This event is divided into two 1-hour sessions 9-10 a.m. Food & Nutrition (Aug.4-6 link to state fair schedule) State 4-H Fashion Revue (Aug.6 is Hancock's day- 2015 Revue will be held at Nationwide & Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center, 2201 Fred Ta ...

  5. USDA MyPlate

    MyPlate illustrates the five food groups that are the building blocks for a healthy diet using a familiar image- a place setting for a meal.  Before you eat, think about what goes on your plate or in your cup or bowl. Click here for MyPlate     ...

  6. Food Safety

    Did you know that one in six Americans will get sick from food poisoning this year alone? Fight Bac! Every year, one in six Americans gets sick from dangerous foodborne bacteria.  The estimated 128,000 who suffer serious illness requiring hospitalization ...

  7. Pesticide Field Worksheet

    Ohio Law REQUIRES some form of pesticide recordkeeping when applying Restricted Use Pesticides.  It is highly recommended recordkeeping be done for all pesticide applications. Click here for Pesticide Worksheet   ...

  8. Ohio Crop Performance Trials

    The results are published to provide a source of objective information from various locations in Ohio on the relative performance of seed currently available to Ohio farmers on several crops:  Alfalfa and other forages, Corn, Soybeans and Wheat. Click her ...

  9. Mortality Composting

    Mortality Composting Certification is available 24/7 online at    This is a good option for farmers who don't have a training offered in their area anytime soon or would rather do it online.  The cos ...

  10. Sheep & Goats

    VISIT THE SHEEP TEAM'S WEB SITE  When the sheep team newsletter first got started, it was housed on the Knox County Extension Office’s web site.  This, however, is no longer the case, and has not been for some time now.  Currently producers are encou ...
