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Buckeye Dairy Club Officers 2015-2016
The Buckeye Dairy Club recently elected new officers for the 2015-2016 academic year. ...
Ongoing Training at OSU
A number of places across campus regularly hold training sessions and workshops on teaching, research, grants, writing, etc. ...
Deadline to Order Jr. Fair Turkeys and Chicks
NEW – Since the January / February 4-H newsletter was sent out, the process to order Jr Fair turkeys and chicks has changed! To order your turkeys and chicks you must go online to (CaSe SEnsiTIvE link). 4-H and FFA members c ...
Towers Blood Drive
The annual Towers Blood Drive will be held April 1 from 10:00am to 4:00pm in the Ag Admin auditorium. Click here to register and help save a life! ...
Ireland Study Abroad Apps Due Wednesday!
The application for the Ireland: Human and Animal Interactions Study Abroad are due Wednesday by 11:59pm. This is a once in a college career opportunity to see both Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland with a focus on animals. Counting the credit ...
March 30, 2015
Welcome to the new format for the Animal Science Student Newsletter. The newsletter is now based out of the Department of Animal Sciences web site, and current issue and archives can be accessed at any time under Undergraduates/Student Newsletter. Thank ...
Meat Class Presents Final Projects
The Processed Meats class (MEATSCI 4510) presented their final projects this morning. ...
Veterinary School Workshop a Success
Bonnie Ayars reports that they filled Room 210 with students at the Veterinary School Workshop. ...
Graduate Society of Nutritional Sciences
Involved in undergraduate or graduate research? Consider submitting an original abstract for selection and competition at the 12th annual Russell Klein Symposium on April 9th! A complete list of application instructions as well as additional information i ...
Peer Tutors Needed
The Office of Residence Life is currently hiring peer tutors for the 2015-16 academic year. Peer Tutors work in one of 8 residence halls (Monday-Wednesday) or Younkin Success Center (Sunday-Thursday) from 7-9 PM. We specialize in math, physics and chemist ...