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Search results

  1. Final date to apply for Hancock 4-H Summer Program Assistant

    The summer assistant works with promoting events, assisting with judging events, managing Jr Camp registrations, and much more. This position is for 36-hours per week and will begin June 1 for 12 weeks. For more information contact   Cassie Turner. To app ...

  2. Hancock County 4-H Jr Camp

    Link to the 4-H Camp Opportunities page Camp registration begins Monday, March 4 and we are in the process of finalizing all registration materials. Hancock County 4-H members ages 8-14 should receive an invitation later in April. The theme for this year& ...

  3. 4-H Dog Fun Match Hancock Co.

    Link to a flyer with registration form for this event Registration 8-9 a.m. Judging starts at 9:30 a.m. Showmanship classes must be pre-registered and pre-paid Entry fee: $5 all classes with the exception of $3 Obedience Practice Class Sponsored by the K- ...

  4. Performance Against Standards Horse Show Hancock Co.

    Link to a show bill Entries are due June 1 for PAS shows within the Maumee Valley Extension Education and Research Area (EERA) Link to Regional 4-H events website which includes 2015 Ohio State Fair Jr Horse Program Qualifications and Patterns and the ent ...

  5. CPR & First Aid Training Session 2

    Second of two training sessions scheduled for 2015 Camp Counselors ...

  6. CPR & First Aid Training Session I

    This is the first of two training sessions for 2015 Camp Counselors. ...

  7. Sheep Weigh in and Tagging

    Please note that this is a change from the date originally published in the 2015 4-H Calendar! Also, Hancock Co. Jr Fair exhibitors should note that all sheep (including wethers) are required to have a scrapie tag from the farm or origin. ...

  8. 4-H Public Speaking Clinic

    This clinic is intended to support all public speaking activities available to 4-H members and provide them with valuable information about the following competitions: Demonstration Contest (individual and/or team) Job Interview Contest (individual) Ohio ...

  9. Wear BLUE Day

    April is Child Abuse Prevention Month and Hancock County Children's Services is taking a new spin on how to bring awareness to the community. They've challenged all their community partners to participate in their wear blue challenge and April 8 ...

  10. Camp Counselor Meeting

